Dialograma (The game that allows you to diagram dialectics)

“The people” as an entity doesn’t exist. Mass data only talks about generalities. It is not possible to relate to a percentage. If we are to reach someone else we must bare ourselves, for in the intimacy is where people find each other –“…nothing of that which is human is strange to me. Publio Terencio 194-159 bc.”-
Parting from this premise we’ll try to explain ourselves as individuals through data as raw material and infographics as our tool for natural communication. Something paradoxical in appearance: data is usually used for mapping whole societies, not individuals, and infographics is a tool culturally linked to science and, as such, to objectivity.

Dialograma is a game. An artistic project that allows the creation of a diagram based on the dialectic of a group of individuals –in this case, the participants of this workshop-. The assistants must delve into the diagram, obtained from interacting with the group, to sketch a personal work applicable to each one’s area of expertise.

Download rules and game board

15ª Maratón creativa
Escuela Superior de Diseño e Ingeniería de Barcelona 
15 al 18 de diciembre del 2015

Veintidós participantes, diez temas a debate

Analysis performed by students